Saturday 13 December 2014

Mapping a Linux folder to another Linux folder

NFS is a protocol used to map a Linux drive to another Linux drive and treat the other drive as it was a local one.

The following is based on RedHat Linux.

First, on the remote machine that you want to have access to, you need to have installed the nfs service files from the installation disk:
system-config-nfs...  (GUI tool to manipulate the NFS configuration)
nfs-utils-lib...  (support library)
nfs-utils... (NFS utilities and daemons)
portmap-....(manager of RPC connections)

Next, open NFS in System -> Administration -> Server settings. This will edit the NFS configuration file through the GUI. You can do the same by manually editing the /etc/exports file, if you prefer.
So, once the configuration GUI tool is open, click Add to add info about the folder to be exported for external access.
This link can help you here.

Next, run the NFS service from System -> Administration -> Server settings -> Services
Or, if it was already running, restart it for changes to take effect.
 /etc/init.d/nfs   restart

 Finally, execute this command on the other machine which will gain access to the one we just configured

mount -f nfs -o,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noac,lookupcache=none  /home/local/path

Now we expect that the local folder /home/local/path will be mounted to /home/path/to/export on the remote machine.

Change owner

To change owner of a folder and its content:

chown -R newOwner:newGroup  /path

How to attach in Eclipse the source code of Java language

If you need to browse the original code of the Java language, you need to attached its sources to the installed JRE preference page, as by default it is not attached when you specify your working JRE.

In Eclipse, select Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs , expands rt.jar, select “Source attachment” and find the from your disk drive.

That should be right under the JDK folder , for example:  C:\Program Files (x86)\jdk7