Wednesday 6 November 2013

ERROR 267 (0x0000010B) Scanning Source Directory DIRNAME The directory name is invalid. Jenkins

A job that I run on my Jenkins CI suddenly started having this error:

ERROR 267 (0x0000010B) Scanning Source Directory DIRECTORY-PATH The directory name is invalid.

The job was using a robocopy command to find and copy all config.xml files from the JENKINS_HOME/jobs and commit them to the SVN repository for backup.
This job which was causing the issue was a matrix type of job, that was previously running on multiple slave nodes and later was changed to run to a different node, so there were left old folders in the directory:


So now I had these folders in that location:

What I did was to delete the \Old_NODENAME, as it obviously was not done automatically by Jenkins once I had changed the matrix configuration (the nodes I want the job to run simultaneously)

Then I run the job again, to just make sure it was passing successfully.

I also manually deleted the info about the Old_NODENAME which was stored at the SVN.
After performing these two steps, I run the failing job again, and the error 267 was fixed.

Old and irrelevant content in the job's workspace on JENKINS_HOME/jobs and on the SVN where the job commits, were causing ERROR 267 (0x0000010B) Scanning Source Directory DIRECTORY-PATH The directory name is invalid.


Another reason this error to happen was that the invalid name contained "lastSuccessful". That particular job did not have a link "Last successful artifacts" which usually is present on all jobs and is a link to the last successful build artifacts of that job. In one case such a link was missing for whatever reason, and I had to recreate the job and run it in order to make this link appear in the UI of the job in Jenkins.

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