Monday 10 October 2016

Install Tiger VNC on Redhat 6

If you need to install VNC on RedHat 6, usually you are advised to do a yum install. Most often you will not have a configured yum repository in order to use the command "yum install", and it can take some time to make a local one for yourself.

Lucky me, when I had to install a package in RHEL 6.3 and yum command was not useful, I found out that the packages I need were actually much closer to me than I thought - in the Packages directory of the installation media.
Just connect your RHEL CD. I was using vSphere client to run the VM and when I connected my .iso it was automatically recognized by the RHEL and on the Desktop I got a folder with the date of this disk.
In which I found /Packages and there was my tiger vnc rpm.
A double-click over it and it was installed right away.
Nice and easy, when you have the install media.

Monday 12 September 2016

Linux host that pings itself resoves to

I had a RedHat linux machine which, when pinging itself, would resolve to in the terminal output of the ping command.

This was caused by a wrong configuration in the /etc/hosts file:  MachineDNSName localhost.localdomain localhost
::1            localhost6.localdomain6  localhost6

I removed the MachineDNSName entry leaving it to:     localhost.localdomain localhost
::1                localhost6.localdomain6  localhost6

Now the pinging the machine from itself started to return its real external IP instead of

My example does not show how a host file should be configured. This only shows that an additional entry was resulting with network issues in specific cases (not all the time).
So in case of issues with wrong resolving of machine DNS name, look at your host file for possible issues.

Friday 2 September 2016

Execute command on remote unix machine via JMeter

To enable this functionality, go to  and download:

Place the first in your JMeter install folder /lib/ext directory, and the second in /lib.
Restart JMeter, if already open.

Add sampler SSH Command.

Monday 22 August 2016

VNC server does not respond to ALT+Shift+R sent to Eclipse

Problem: Linux RedHat (RHEL) 5.5 accessed via VNC, open Eclipse IDE. I need to use keybinding Alt+Shift+R which should invoke a renaming operation. Instead, it just opens the "Run" menu.

An option needs to be passed to the vnc server.
In /etc/sysconfig/vncservers   find
   VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1024x768 " 

Add +kb
VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 1024x768 +kb
and restart VNC server
+kb is used to enable the X Keyboard Extension 

More options HERE. 

I also had to first find out which VNC server RHEL 5.5. was using because that was not in the docs, or at least I could not find it.
To find out the vendor, grep the vnc process, in my case it returned a list with Xvnc process.
Then do "man Xvnc" where at the botton you see RealVNC.
From here you can go on searching for details about this VNC server once that you know who the vendor is.

Monday 13 June 2016

Slave no longer connects to your Jenkins master - slave-agent.jnlp: 403 Forbidden

Recently I messed up with Jenkins security configuration causing my slave machines to 
no longer connect to the master with the following exception logged:
Failing to obtain http://MY_JENKINS/computer/MY_SLAVE_NAME/slave-agent.jnlp Failed to load http://MY_JENKINS/computer/MY_SLAVE_NAME/
slave-agent.jnlp: 403 Forbidden
 at hudson.remoting.Launcher.parseJnlpArguments(
 at hudson.remoting.Launcher.main(
Waiting 10 seconds before retry
Check your security configuration settings in Manage Jenkins->Configure global 
security and verify that for Anonymous user you have allowed to connect to slave.